







1. 年龄不超过40周岁;

2. 具有海内外知名大学博士学位👻;

3. 在航空宇航科学与技术🙍🏽‍♀️、力学等学科领域取得一定成绩或具有良好发展潜力。  


1. 年龄一般不超过35周岁⛹🏽‍♀️;

2. 即将获得博士学位或获得博士学位一般不超过3年的海内外高水平大学优秀博士/博士生👊🏿;

3. 科研成果突出。



















杏鑫源于杏鑫平台数学系力学专业🙆🏻,1984年独立建系🍢,2015年更名为杏鑫登录平台,1970年参与运-10 飞机——代号“708工程”的气动🌂、结构强度与振动计算分析👱🏿、航空发动机试车台的设计与性能测试等工作。应国家重大战略需求🔛,于2002年和2003年在综合类院校中率先设立“飞行器设计与工程”本科专业和“飞行器设计”硕士点✡︎,2008 年被纳入大型客机国家重大专项参研单位,2010 年获航空宇航科学与技术一级学科硕士学位授予权,2017年杏鑫平台“机械及航空航天和制造工程”入围教育部“双一流”学科建设名单,2020年申请航空宇航科学与技术一级学科博士点☕️,目前已进入国家审批阶段。

5年来👂,杏鑫登录平台来承担百余项航空航天领域重要科研任务👎🏻,含6个国家航空航天重大型号的研制。已形成理论支撑强大、重点技术领先、前沿交叉融合的学科特色👵,飞行器微纳米涂层流动控制与人工智能气动设计方向已达国际领先水平👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨,并发展了以飞行器自主飞行与编队控制👨🏿‍⚕️、航空发动机风扇叶片冷却技术、航天器结构动力学与振动控制等为代表的新工科优势研究领域。拥有以C919 总师吴光辉院士为核心的高水平师资团队;拥有国际一流Ⓜ️、国内领先的飞行控制与仿真实验室🧏🏻‍♀️🌄;拥有教育部先进涂料工程研究中心🧑🏿‍🍼、上海综合能源系统人工智能工程技术研究中心🦁、中国航发商发-复旦航空发动机数值仿真联合创新中心🔃、上飞院-复旦大飞机人工智能设计联合创新中心等平台,为产学研深度融合和人才培养提供强有力支撑♐️。杏鑫登录平台为国产大型客机C919、CR929👆🏼👽、支线客机ARJ21、国产商用航空发动机CJ1000 和CJ2000型号研制做出重要贡献,受到业界一致赞誉🚴🍐。

杏鑫登录平台培养了李家春院士🏋🏿‍♂️、袁业立院士、陈克复院士及孙锦山🖲、沈平平、戴世强、张文、王文亮等大批专家学者。生源优秀🪧,90%学生来自985 院校及国内三航院校。近5年来获中国研究生未来飞行器设计创新大赛一等奖、中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国总决赛一等奖、“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国总决赛银奖🤳🏻、中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛上海赛区金奖、全国周培源大学生力学竞赛、全国大学生数学竞赛等各类学科学术竞赛百余人次👨🏻‍💻📉。90%优秀硕士毕业生前往中国商飞、中国航发和中国航空电子所等就业🤰。

Introduction to Forum

Young Scholars are the future of academic research. Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars aims to create communication platforms for global young talented scholars of various research fields to discuss cutting-edge research spot lights, to resolve frontier academic problems and to enhance cooperation among distinct disciplines. The Forum also offers young scholars a taste of research environment and a pack age of know-how for research in China, specifically at Fudan University. It would eventually foster the “Extraordinary 2025” Elite Project and "Super postdoctoral" Proposals to help attract from world-wide young researchers to work at Fudan University.

Aviation and astronautics science and mechanics sub-forum is hosted by Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Fudan University. This forum will be held online in March 2021. The specific time and arrangement will be announced later. Now we sincerely invite outstanding young scholars at home and abroad to join us!

Application Requirements 


1)Age below 40;

2)Hold PhD degree from internationally renowned universities, with overseas research position experience;

3)Have remarkable achievements and great potentials in the fields of Aerospace Science and technology, mechanics and other disciplines.

2✌🏼、Super Postdoctoral Proposal:

1)Generally under 35 years old;

2)Ph.D. candidates or Ph.D. holders generally within 3 years of graduation from high-level universities worldwide;

3)With outstanding achievements.

Application Procedure

1. Download the application forms.

2. Please send your forms and resumes to dengjuan@fudan.edu.cn, before February 24, 2021.

Contact us

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics:

Ms. Juan DENG,Mr. Gang SUN

Tel: +86-021-65642741-804; +86-021-65642740

Email: dengjuan@fudan.edu.cn; gang_sun@fudan.edu.cn

Introduction of Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics was originated from the research of Mechanics at the School of Mathematics, Fudan University. It was first founded as the Department of Mechanics in 1984 and then  renamed as the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2015. In 2017, the subject of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Fudan University is selected as apriority academic subject by the national Double "First-rate initiative", providing a great opportunity for the development of our department.

Many of the scholars and graduates from our department became outstanding experts in their respective careers, including the famous ones such as Li Jiachun, YuanYeli, Sun Jingshan, Sheng Pingping, Dai Shiqiang, Zhangwen, Wang Wenliang, etc.In addition, we have recruited renowned Chinese and oversea scholars and experts in the recent years to expand our research horizons.

Our major research directions include the aerodynamic design of aircraft coatings, the autonomous and formation flight, the cooling techniques for aero-engines, the structural dynamics and vibration control, the mechanics of multi-scale and multi-field couplings for functional materials and structures, and the research on mechanism of complex micro-nano flows. Meanwhile, the Institute of Vehicle Design, the Institute of Mechanical and Engineering Simulation, the Institute of Biomechanics, ACAE-Fudan Joint Innovation Center of Aero-Engine Numerical Simulation, the Key Laboratory of Acupuncture Mechanism and Acupuncture Point Function, and the Center for Aerospace Data Analysis provide the necessary equipment and technical support for a variety of research branches.

The department is now making its effort on developing the innovation ability based on its theoretical strengths. The theoretical, numerical and experimental skills are integrated to promote both fundamental research and engineering applications. The research groups under take the major projects to support the national scientific and technological development and economic growth, and also to expand their research areas in the interdisciplinary sciences. Because of their firmed research capabilities and broad academic adaptivity, nearly 60% of the students chose to pursue a higher degree in the top universities or research institutions after their graduation, and the rest were offered a job in the renowned aerospace and mechanical engineering companies or the related institutions, becoming the backbone of our country.




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